Friday, December 26, 2014

A Castle Inquiry

Castle Creations
We started our classroom castle inquiry after we noticed that many of our students would build castles with the loose parts and blocks on their own. They would proudly show us what they had built and when asked what it was they would say "a castle". After realizing that they were interested in building castles we set up various areas of the room with pictures of castles and various materials, to inspire them to continue their interests in castles.
A Kingdom made from Tim Horton's coffee trays, paper towel tubes, and cut up pool noodles. At the carpet area where we have a lot of building materials I posted a picture of a castle and asked the question, "Can you build a castle?"

A Castle at the Light Table

At the light table we posted a picture of a "Frozen" castle and put out jewels and small coloured foam blocks. The children were so excited to build a Frozen castle as most of them absolutely love that movie right now!


Using various craft materials to decorate a castle.

At this table we posted different pictures of castles, displayed castle books, and left clipboards with paper labelled "My Plan" for the students to draw what they would like their castle to look like before building it.

Here a student drew out her plan ahead of time of what she would like
her castle to look like before she started to build it.

Catapult Fun!
We were lucky to have such an amazing student teacher in our classroom who came up with a lot of fun activities for the kids. Here she built a catapult after reading about them in a castle book. The children used marshmallows to catapult from the spoon. They had a blast with this!

Another castle built using different building materials available at the carpet/block area.

Decorating wands!

Making their own coat of arms with their favourite things.

A Class Dragon Tale.
Our student teacher chose a big book about Dragons and had the children use their imaginations to predict what they thought the title should be and what was happening on each page by doing a picture walk. Our class created story was quite funny! After recording what different students said, the student teacher typed it into comic life and posted our story on a wall in the classroom. Now this story is available at the reading area in a duotang for the kids to enjoy!

Our Kingdom
After a class vote the kids decided our Kingdom should be called "Sophia the First Kingdom". We used large boxes picked up for free from a furniture store. The kids painted them and added tin foil. They also made flags for the top and their own crowns to wear when they were playing in the castle at the dramatic play area.  

A Castle Inquiry
Here we have posted pictures of different castles the children built and their own written description of what they had built. There is also a KWL chart posted so we could see what they already knew about castles and what they were learning along the way.

At the end of our castle inquiry we had the parents come in for a Castle Feast!

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